PowerGrass is not against the fields entirely synthetic turf. It's an alternative that offers "quality and savings" to lovers of natural grass playing. PowerGrass includes an artificial turf special designed, not to meet performance requirements for playing football, but to reinforce the natural grass sod. In fact, players play on natural grass and the growth medium follows the prerogatives for the construction of professional natural fields (FIFA guidelines, USGA and DIN 18035-4 specifications).
Powergrass, by reinforcing natural grass, has many advantages, but of course there are limits that often tie up the choice: where the growth of natural grass is not possible or maintenance is too expensive and where the availability of a competent person is not there, it is better to get oriented to the realization of a typical artificial turf field.
Artificial turf is now the only solution for high intensive playing surface. It's possible to play more than 1400 hours a year, organize sports events (eg, tournaments, open days etc.) without causing any apparent damage to the artificial turf. Maintenance is easy and does not require specialized personnel.
In recent years, research and development of artificial fibers more and more similar to natural grass contributed to the realization of several new fields.
Currently the industry has focused the research for new inifill materials more and more eco-friendly to resemble more and more the artificial playing surface to the natural one.
Our company has had the opportunity to work with leading Italian and foreign producers, evaluate and choose the partnership with a company, all Italian, the first to start production in Europe, leader in Italy, always a step ahead than its competitors.
In 2013 as all sectors also the artificial grass market is in crisis. Most of the producers to pull the oars and only those who have innovative ideas and products can maintain a stable path and a desirable growth. With the introduction of innovative materials such as:
Are ... the diamond tips to get the best price - quality ratio
To find the right material for any situation is good to know some variables to better orient your choices according to the intended use and the budget available.
The first choice concerns the height of the grass. Nowadays in the market are synthetic surfaces of varying heights, from 6 mm for decorative turf to get to 70 mm for the Rugby game with all the intermediate heights: 6, 11, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 and 70 mm. With the exception of the grass of 6 mm mainly used for decoration, all other artificial turf are designed to play different sports.
The grass of 11 mm is used for Hockey, that of 15 mm for tennis, those of 20 and 25 mm for multi-purpose fields (soccer and tennis) and they are all infilled just with silica sand.
The latest generation of grass use higher filaments from 40 to 60 mm designed primarily for the football game. The height instead of 65 and 70 mm are designed for the game of Rugby and American Football. Have in mind always that the higher the filaments are, the more infill is used, the more "elastic" becomes the sport surface.
The second choice concerns the type of yarn of grass.
With the introduction of artificial turf in the football world, the focus has shifted to synthetic turf. Many new projects were carried out in a short time. The competition between producers has motivated the introduction of new better products, starting with the single yarns (the single-pile) to replace the old fibrillated, softer in polyethylene instead of polypropylene, then the single-pile has become more thick (>200 microns instead of 160 microns), more resilient with ribs and/or special shape "S", "C", "Diamond" to maintain an upright position.
The third choice concerns the type of performance infill.
In heights greater than 40 mm, over the stabilization sand layer necessary to ballast artificial turf on the background, it is then filled with granules of performance infill to make it more elastic and thus the surface to absorb the energy and give it back to the player. The infill of artificial turf also protects the wear of yarns from the players activity. The various types of performance infill used in recent years have had an evolution even more important compared to the yarns of grass. Today there are different types, summarized in the order in which they were introduced into the market in the last 6 years:
Experience over the years has show up that thermoplastic rubber seems to get easily compacted and forms a single block but, on the other hand SBR rubber bounce too much meanwhile the bad smell doesn't goes away even with the coating. On the other hand 100% organic infills float easily during heavy rainfall, retains excess of water during winter and some of them break down easily from bacteria or players activity meanwhile in dry climates needs great amounts of water to keep them humid, stable on the surface and avoid them to dry out and become dusty. In hot climates all of them need high amounts of water to cool down and/or to avoid to dry out.
Geofill, is a good compromise when organic fibers are mixed with SBR dignified rubber granules. Combines resistance and durability to wear, thanks to the rubber granules and consistency to ensure stability, cushioning and avoid splashing thanks to Coco's fibers. Geofill retains moisture necessary to lower the temperature during hot summer than any other rubber infill. Geofill is centered to maintain the performance properties over the playing season. A product designed to last for long time that we have given the vote for the best quality/price ratio.
Average cost for hour of use using the formula "all inclusive" for construction, maintenance, removal and landfill expenses, considering just 1200 hours of use for PowerGrass, artificial turf field break even point is when is used about 1700 hours each season, if the depreciation is calculated to 20 years and we know that in most case is not an issue. That is one of the main reasons because PowerGrass is an ideal alternative to pure artificial fields, even from the economic point of view.
Cislago 2011
Artificial turf field, Cislago 2011
Gergei 2013
Artificial turf field, IT - Gergei 2013 First of all, have a close look for quality artificial grass: ball bounce correctly on elastic fibers without deviation.
Relastic Fibers
The synthetic fiber Relastic combines strength, elasticity and softness.
Looking nice appartently
Beware of references, it is often not what it seems ... take a look closer.
Look close - 4th year
Looking closely you can see the fibers lying on the ground partially broken at 3.5 years after installation.
الحقول في العشب الاصطناعي
In the entirely artificial surfaces with rubber infill, this jumps with each bounce of the ball.