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In Golf Tees... PowerGrass is an interesting application.

A golf course is too big and would be too expensive to make it in PowerGrass. However in golf tees as well in driving range players swing, often makes severe damages on the grass sods. The replacement of the sods is not alway easy and soon the surface has a bad aspect. Therefore reinforce the sods with PowerGrass seems to be an interesting application to reduce the damages of Golf Tees.

In driving range the most skilled players can avoid to avoid to use the synthetic turf for exercise.

Tee Test in EssenTee Test in Essen

Nel rettangolo bianco Tee campo pratica in erba naturale; nel rettangolo rosso in PowerGrass

Drive Tee ShotDrive Tee Shot

Swing shot

Drive DivotDrive Divot

The tee shot often takes away a big chunk of sod

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