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المؤسسات التعليمية

The sport is not only fun and venting ... is an educational method

In ancient Greece they say "Mens sana in corpore sano" which means "a healthy mind in a healthy body" and it is. In modern usage means that, for healthy faculties of the soul, even those must have healthy body.

This is the motto of many college sports teams, such as the CUS (University Sports Centre) of the University of Pisa and the Technion. The company name ASICS is an acronym of the phrase "Anima Sana In Corpore Sano", a variant of the Latin phrase in question.

Scientific basis, studies and research

It has been shown that there is a close correlation between motor skills and attentional capacity and memory of a person, in particular, the relevant research of Darla M. Castelli, Charles H. Hillman, Sarah M. Buck and Heather E. Erwin (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) published in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology have shown that a good physical fitness was positively associated with indices neuroelectrical of attention and working memory.

Howard Taras, in his report published in 2005 titled "Physical Activity and Student Performance at School" has shown that students who are physically active have higher attention during lessons than sedentary students.

Lisa Flook and Rena L. Repetti of the University of California at Los Angeles, in collaboration with Jodie B. Ullman California State University San Bernardino found that from a psychological standpoint, physically active individuals report higher levels of self-esteem and lower levels anxiety, both of which were associated with better academic performance.

The role of the contact sport: Football, American Football, Rugby and FieldHockey

In some countries, these sports have an important role in educational institutions that organize real championships.

Realize new sport fields or renovate existing ones in accordance with the safety standards today requires commitment from all that together with the efforts of the institute can help parents and even grandparents who have time available to implement and maintain quality facilities.

And that's why for sports fields in the clay courts or in grass we propose PowerGrass that, resistant to intensive traffic, it lends itself to the school activities not only limited to sports, but also for the parties and the free play of children and adults. A natural environment without any particular difficulties in maintenance.

In the fields and those for 5 to 7 players the game is more concentrated and if activity exceeds 5-6 hours per day and/or where the climatic conditions are not suitable for the growth of grass, adopt an artificial Turf Relastic Turf is the best way to avoid failure.

Azione di CalcioAzione di Calcio

In educational institutions football is one of the most popular sports

Hockey Su PratoHockey Su Prato

PowerGrass with low mowing is suitable for Field Hockey because you do not lose the ball in divots or high grass.

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