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Designing a pitch in PowerGrass is easy, but do not underestimate the agronomic aspect.

The design of the PowerGrass follows the guidelines for the construction of natural grass pitches for professional use. Everything has been designed to optimize the investment, using quality materials.

During the feasibility study, is important to study the climate of the area, the type of soil and water quality for irrigation. FIFA's guide for Natural Grass pitches is meant to supply the general guide lines how to approach the project.

It's also important to understand the customer's needs and the availability of competent staff throughout the year. The maintenance of PowerGrass is not complex and much less difficult than pure natural, but requires a certain consistency.

A skilled person, has no difficulty in maintaining a field in PowerGrass. It does not require more effort than the synthetic pitch, if the mowing is done with the robot CutCat, but you can not think about performing maintenance on an occasional basis.

Maintenance costs affects little, but it must be ensured constancy, as well as technical skills, during the growing period of natural grass.

Schema di DrenaggioSchema di Drenaggio

The drainage system is critical to remove the excess of rainwater and disperses a part to the underlying soil to avoid burdening the capacity of the sewage system. In some cases the roots reach the drainage layer and can absorb water into the underlying soil, thereby saving the most precious resource.

Installing an effective drainage system is very easy. Install the main drainage systems after primary level and settle the base soil of the excavation with two or four gradients. Then excavate a trench up to 20 inches deep around the entire perimeter of the area to be drained. Having to disperse the water along the trench is sufficient to maintain the same depth level of the trench. Following is posing a corrugated tube draining of 160 mm which is covered with crushed gravel up to the surface. The discharge of excess water can be drained directly into the aquifer through a sump or directly in the drainage of rainwater.

The wells for the inspection, are not essential, but it is advisable to carry one, every time the pipe changes direction and every 30 meters along a level surface. Even less need the drainage channels because the background absorbs water which is dispersed or removes through the pipes, but if your budget allows, and if the area is prone to heavy rainfall or is subject to heavy snowfall, the drainage channel assists water collection flowing on the surface.

Then you need to realize the secondary drainage system dividing the field long each of the two axes approximately every 6 meters, then draw a diagonal to the first point of the vertical axis with the first point of the horizontal axis, and so on until the end. Diagonal drains can be achieved with mini excavator or chain excavator with section size between 12 and 30 cm and up to 35 cm deep. Following is posing a corrugated tube drainage from 90 mm ​​that is covered with crushed gravel up to the surface.

Depending on the type of background (if water infiltration is high or not), the rainfall in the area (light or heavy rain) and the available budget must choose between a) a complete layer of crushed gravel over the entire surface or b) additional slit drain in distance 25-50 cm dug with proper equipment and filled with coarse and very coarse sand.


Schema IrrigazioneSchema Irrigazione

The irrigation system with 24 pop-up sprinklers of medium-range is designed to distribute the water more evenly than those at long range and rationalize better the consuption of the water.

At the top of the sprinkler shall be a small soft rubber cup to contain a small natural grass sod installed on the same level of the pitch. In fact, when the system is off, it is hard to locate sprinklers in the ground.

The sprinklers can be connected to a solenoid valve singly or two sprinklers in the same valve. In the second case one must take into account a) to connect the sprinklers with a radius of action homogeneous, for example in a football field normally there are sprinklers with three different radii of action at 90°, 180° or 360° and b) combine sprinklers possibly non-contiguous areas as a good rule of thumb is to alternate the irrigated areas to make sure that the water in the previous area or sprinkler penetrate the soil.

Programming is done with a control unit by starting 1, 2 or 4 sprinklers together depending on the number of valves, the amount and pressure of the water available.

Cross section PowerGrassCross section PowerGrass

A simple and effective section in accordance with the DIN standards for the construction of natural grass fields.

Schema riscaldamentoSchema riscaldamento

Where winter is very cold, is good to provide a hot water or electric heating system. Note: heating system is only used to thaw the ground, but it creates damages if you try to stimulate the growth of the grass.

Valvole IrrigazioneValvole Irrigazione

Connecting irrigation valves at the San Siro.

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